The 11th annual Waynestock took place on September 8, 2012. As usual, the lack of advertising didn't stop
hundreds of people from attending. Three musical acts performed, starting with the Shrapnels in the early afternoon.
It then proceeded to rain for a while, sending people either inside Mahaffey's Pub or under the canopies.
After the rain subsided, Deanna Dove entertained with her own brand of earthy rock.
At the end of her set, Black Falls drummer Dominic Cantalupo accompanied her on bongos.
Then Black Falls took the stage. Their first song featured Mahaffey's Pub owner Wayne Mahaffey on vocals. Due to the intermittent rain, most of the drumming equipment was kept covered up and the steel guitar was acoustic.
The party continued until the wee hours, with lots of great microbrews and imports available. Kudos to Wayne Mahaffey for keeping this great Baltimore tradition going all these years!